
First test run

After fitting the main leg struts and getting everything bolted up tight I though it was time to see what would break when she was powered up and running.
It was almost like a new child taking its first steps as the power switches were thrown.
Amazingly she ran perfectly,
The feet are perfect, no issues at all. The electrics tray works very well with no overheating or any electric issues.Charging system works first time.
There was one teething problem though that will need addressing.I noticed that the body seems to wobble a bit more than I would like. The main issue I have here is that there is no body work to strengthen up the frame like on Emy so the wobble is more apparent. I was aware that I had not fitted the two rear cross braces which do add much more stability, so I hope that when these are added and Zoe eventually comple that everything will tie togther and make her wobble less. If the wobble is still there at the end of assembly then I have a real problem, which I am unsure how to solve.
The overall wieght at the moment is also very good, reasonably light however there are still a few more parts to add.
Before the test run I did add a bit more bracing to each of the drive motor brackets and alsochanged the front spring to a heavier one to help the front foot move better.
Next on the list of things to do will be the two body doors. These will be servo controlled and made from light alloy.
The brackets are all made up for the utility arm servos so just need to be fitted. The sliders have been fitted to the rear of the utility arms for the servo arm to engage on.
The foot strips have all been fitted including the nurled hose ends, all I need now are some hoses.
I still have not got around to starting the boosters yet. I am still not sure if these are going to be traditional or something different. Still along way to go but starting to look very Droid like.
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