I decided to make the main part of the body on this build out of 6mm ply wood which will be skinned with 1.2mm aluminium. Problem is that wood is not very strong so i have needed to build a sort of frame armature out of 12mm box steel. This will create strenght and give me something to attach the wood to. The front glass section will be covered in the same smoked 3mm acrylic I used on the tank transported cab.With regards to where all the internals will go it is going to be really simple. At the rear will be the batteries which will be accessible via the rear doors. Electronics will be behind the side sliding doors and in the center of the unit will be the water container and spray system. I have still not worked out how to make this very powerful but I am working on it. To give you an idea of size the model is already 1500mm long, 570mm wide and 550mm high and that is without any body work. On a possitive note it should be lighter than the tank.
Podpadstudios is based in Wiltshire in the UK.We are a small but ambitious studio that specialises in building Models and Props for Theatre, Film and TV. .
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Panther 6x6
New 1/6 scale build. Rosenbauer Panther 6x6 fire truck
Adding to our 1/6th scale collection I intend to have a go at building a Rosenbauer Panther 6X6 fire truck. In terms of size it is a bit bigger than the STL-50 Tank tansporter but uses the same wheel size at 200mm. Dimensions wise: lenght=1600mm:Width= 520mm: Height=610mm. Weight at this stage unknow.
I am going to have fun with this build as I am going to try and create an extremely powerful water canon, one that should be capable of extingushing a real fire, we will see.
Complete Tank Transporter
It has taken a while to get to this stage, must admit I thought it would be easier to build than the tank but it proved me wrong. I am sure I will keep adding painted detail to it until it goes of for filming. We have already shot some prelimiary stills and it looks great on the set.
So for the final build. As you already know I have added a second motor so power and traction are no longer a problem and it can easily haul 200kg. The ESC seem to be working fine and the extra cooling seems to work brilliantly. I will definately use the ESC again probably even on my 1/4 scale tank which I will probably start in October.
The driver is now fully animatronic, head and arm movements.
I have tweeked the smoke system and it is now much better, stronger smoke and more consistent.
The trailer steering was causing me a few problems but is now fixed. I simply used heavier steering linkages because the older ones where bending, strange watching 10mm threaded rod snap.
I have added a few more lights plus trailer strobes. The tractor strobes have been upgraded and I think they look much better. Reversing beep, horn and reversing lights have all been added.
There are a few 1/6 props added, ladders, brushes shovel etc and fitted on the tractor unit.
One major change was the hitch between the trailer and tractor. I have now built a working fifth wheel and must admit it works better.
Overall specs: Length = 3300mm (yes over 3meters)
Width = 640mm
Height = 480mm
Weight = Total 130kg: Tractor = 80kg. Trailer 50kg.
Speed = 12mph: Scale speed 1/6 = 72mph
Tank transporter complete
Nearly there
Tank Transporter
So the transporter is now taking on a life of its own and has developed a custom look, partly due to the spec we have been given but also artistic licence. Today it was all about testing and seeing if the small 300w 24v motor can haul 100kg of tank and trailer. It did really well. Not sure how it would do uphill or over very rough ground but on a flat surface it was awesome.
There is still so much work to do but the test was successfull. Ride height looks far better as well with the larger 150mm wheels on the back over the 80mm ones I was going to use and loading the tank was easy.